~ TTC Timeline ~

 The details of our journey...

When I found out that we were going to need help getting pregnant I did what I do best - research.  I read blog after blog, article after article for bits of information from women who have already experienced what we are going through.  So, for those of you, who, like me, are into the gory details...here you go...

After dating for four years Kevin and I were married on September 25, 2010. We had decided to wait two years before trying to start our family. I was eager to be off birth control so when my yearly appointment rolled around in June (3 months ahead of our two year mark) we agreed to talk to the doctor about stopping the medication. After finishing my last pack of pills my doctor started me on prenatal vitamins (this can reduce the chances of birth defects) and sent me for a long list of blood work (8 tubes to be exact!). Everything came back great. 

The first few months after birth control my cycles were regular. Then they went haywire. There was no predicting when ovulation was occurring. After complaining to my doctor about my cycle she sent me for additional blood work which came back OK. We returned to her office after a year trying with no luck. She sent me for pre-diabetic blood work since this could cause my cycles to be irregular. My test came back OK. She also sent Kevin for analysis. Kevin's doctor found a minor irregularity and advised surgery to correct the problem. His doctor said the surgery should help correct the issues on his end (low motility, morphology). In August 2013 Kevin went for his surgery. He had another analysis done 5 weeks after his surgery to see if there was any improvement. The results were hard to hear.  There were very minor improvements, but Kevin's doctor said we were "very unlikely to conceive naturally". 

My OBGYN took Kevin's results and my irregular cycles and decided IUI while on Clomid was the best option.  I started Clomid in January 2014.  Our first IUI was on Feb. 6th.  I was told if my cycle hadn't started by day 32 I was to go for a blood pregnancy test.  Those two and a half weeks crawled by.  I was anxious and miserable.  I got my test results the same day-BFN.  IUI hadn't worked.  My OBGN thought perhaps it was too early to have done the blood test and said to go again in a week. No second test was needed since my cycle started.

3/11/14-My second IUI today.  Yesterday the doctor gave me the HcG injection (which she didn't do last time).

*Update-The March IUI wasn't successful so we have decided to try a third round. We debated waiting a few months before trying another, but decided it was best to continue on.

4/8/14-Third IUI-this time I had two follicles (one was 26 and the other 20)!  HcG shot yesterday again (our insurance does not cover injectable hormones, so each shot costs us $225).

We have decided that IUI is the end for us.  We don't plan on continuing on to IVF. 

I would love to hear your stories and comments!  You can always privately e-mail me at lovewithadashofscience@gmail.com

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